Free Exchanges & Returns
We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase, which is why we offer a hassle-free exchanges or returns.
Unused and unworn items are eligible for a free exchange provided the jewelry is unused. To initiate an exchange, please ensure that you have the original packaging including the items and the boxes, and then contact our customer care team. We will arrange for the exchange shipment to be picked up by our logistics partner.
Once your exchange parcel undergoes our quality inspection, we will dispatch you the exchange item. The exchange is FREE for only one time. Further exchanges will cost you 200 Rs.
Engraved Items will NOT be exchanged.
To create an exchange today, click here to go to the Contact Us page.
Unused and unworn or damaged(in shipping) items are eligible for a full credit in the form of a gift card that can be used on the website. The gift card is valid for lifetime of the company and is giftable/transferrable too.**
Refunds in original payment mode will NOT be done. We refund the amount in gift voucher which has a code that can be used on the website.
We want to remind our customers that if any items are found missing or used from the return shipment, we reserve the right to deduct an amount up to the full MRP of the missing product from the refund credit amount.
Any return initiated for a purchase that was made through credits/partial credits will be charged Rs.300 for compensation of delivery charges.
To initiate a return, please ensure that you have the original packaging including the items and the boxes, and then contact our customer care team. We will arrange for the return shipment to be picked up by our logistics partner. Please keep in mind that shipping and handling charges are not refundable.
All returns should be addressed to:
103-104, Sapphire Heights, A.B. Road
Indore, 452001, M.P. India.
To create a return today, click here to go to the Contact Us page.